General Dentistry
Good Oral Hygiene is Good for Your Body
Visiting your dentist every six months is a smart move – not just for your teeth but for your entire body! Did you know that poor oral hygiene can not only lead to tooth decay, but can contribute to other illnesses, like heart disease? Visiting Lang’s Dental Center regularly will help ensure that your oral health is being monitored and any issues you may have are being treated.
We offer complete dental hygiene services, including:
• Cleaning
• X-rays
• Gum Treatments
• Fillings
• Oral Hygiene Advice and Guidance
• Tooth Extraction
• Root Canal Treatment
• Mouth Guard
Our goal is to help you control plaque and bacteria build-up that you cannot remove with daily flossing and brushing. Our dental hygiene services help maintain control over tooth decay and gum disease which help you keep your teeth and gums healthy, avoiding costly dental procedures. At our office we place your dental health first, with thorough dental exams and the latest in dental technology.